
One of my favorite parts of my bullet journal is my monthly spreads.  You can do so many different things with the monthly spread in your...

One of my favorite parts of my bullet journal is my monthly spreads.  You can do so many different things with the monthly spread in your planner from documenting memories to creating a collection of doodles or even printing small photos to fit into the squares of each day. Document Your Days in Less than 5 Minutes I use my monthly spreads to track any highlights, milestones, or special memories that happen throughout the month.  These small little notes help me to journal for my Project Life spreads or every add snippets to my regular scrapbooking layouts.  You...

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Whew!  I cannot believe it is already April!  I just finally finished my December Daily album with the help of Calvinball at Get It Scra...

Whew!  I cannot believe it is already April!  I just finally finished my December Daily album with the help of Calvinball at Get It Scrapped last month.  I feel like I can finally start to work on my 2016 Project Life scrapbook album now, without having yet another unfinished project looming over my head!  Today, I'm offering a glimpse into my Project Life process and my plans for 2016. Last year in 2015, I really struggled with documenting our year.  I had decided on using an 8.5x11 album, because it would be easier for my young daughter to...

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As a mom with a toddler, we do our best to interact and explore the outdoors at every opportunity.  Being outside offers a multitude o...

As a mom with a toddler, we do our best to interact and explore the outdoors at every opportunity.  Being outside offers a multitude of potential learning experiences.  And my daughter loves being outside - a lot more than she enjoys being inside!  We play outside with chalk, paint, and balls.  We go to the park and swing and slide and play in her sandbox.  But the biggest part of our outside time happens during our daily nature walks. Toddlers are true explorers of our world.  They want to know what everything is.  They touch and feel the...

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Welcome back for another inspirational jumpstart to your scrapbooking process.  This month, I have been participating in Calvinball at Ge...

Welcome back for another inspirational jumpstart to your scrapbooking process.  This month, I have been participating in Calvinball at Get It Scrapped.  If you are a fan of the Calvin and Hobbes comics by Bill Watterson you may be familiar with Calvin’s competitive game of Calvinball. It’s a random sport-type game with no rules, points for self-designated goals and the flexibility to change the game as you play.  Calvinball at Get It Scrapped is a month long scrapbooking competition with constantly changing rules to keep things fun and your momentum going. Calvinball Bonus Rule #2 - Using a GIS...

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Welcome to another installment of my bullet journal series. Today, I've got a peek inside my current bullet journal setup for you. A ...

Welcome to another installment of my bullet journal series. Today, I've got a peek inside my current bullet journal setup for you. A vital part of my bullet journal process is using brain dumps to empty my brain. I never realized just how true the idea of "Mommy Brain" actually was until I had my daughter. Since her birth, I literally cannot remember anything for more than a couple of minutes, which is not nearly long enough to complete any sort of action. I spend the vast majority of my time trying to remember what I was supposed...

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